Posts Tagged ‘grass-fed’

Ghee, it’s nice to meet you

When I was growing up, margarine was the “in” thing. Luckily, my mother had other ideas. She always used real butter, and in liberal amounts. I have fond memories of noodles with butter and garlic, toasted sourdough bread with butter, and popcorn that was air-popped, with melted butter on top.

I was introduced to Ghee through Pure Indian Foods, via Kelly the Kitchen Kop’s Blog. I entered the giveaway, didn’t win, but took advantage of a special deal to give their Grass-fed Organic Ghee a try.

As a fan of butter to begin with, let me tell you, I LOVE ghee. I cracked open that jar, scooped out a teensy bit, and tasted it. It has a smooth, buttery flavor, almost nutty. The texture is a little more grainy than butter, but I guess that is to be expected without the milk solids.

My first test of the ghee was breakfast. Instead of my beloved bacon grease, I used a dollop of ghee in my skillet. After adding two organic, free range eggs (from a local farm, of course), and a splash of real cream, my breakfast scrambled beautifully in the pan. I loved being able to have the pan at a medium heat without worry that the butter would brown or oxidize. Ghee is definitely an excellent item for healthful frying!

Next came the taste-test on steamed veggies. We like to grill on Sundays when possible, and I usually fix a side of broccoli, cauliflower, or mixed organic vegetables to go with. As soon as the broc was cooked, I slipped some ghee in the bowl and mixed it all around. After all, the vitamins in broccoli are fat-soluble, and what better way to help the body assimilate them? Yum!

I have since managed to incorporate ghee in many little ways. The butter in my freezer will just have to stay there a little longer.

In health,